This is why implementing a dynamic warm up with a series of dynamic stretches specific to the muscle group you are lifting is the best warm up.

Here are my top 3 reasons you should skip stretching and start dynamically warming up.

1. Improve your athletic performance (more power output, you lift better which can mean more muscle and strength)
Stretching has been shown to DECREASE athletic performance, runners run slower and lifter lift less after stretching vs dynamic warm ups. It's great for flexibility not for warming up.

2. Reduce injury risk. Lubricates your joints and gets them ready to go.
Static Stretching has not been shown to reduce injury risk.

3. Increase blood flow which limber up your body and helps your body get ready for the exercises.
Static Stretching actually tires out your muscles, so in turn will leave less for your lifts.

Stretching is out and dynamic warm ups are in!
Here are same great dynamic exercises for your next leg day.

  1. Leg swings. Stable your body by holding onto something and standing with your weight on one foot. Swing your leg forward and back to warm up your hips and legs for 10 to 20 reps. Repeat on other leg. Then switch back to starting leg and Swing side to side repeat 10-20 reps each leg.

  2. Air squat and internal/external rotations. Squat down as low as you can, it’s okay if you need to hold onto something. Turn one knee in as far as you can then turn it back out, repeat 5 to 10 reps and switch legs.

  3. Body weight hip thrusts. Laying face up on the ground bring your ankles close to your glutes, knees facing the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes to bring your hips up into a bridge position then back down. Repeat 10 to 20 reps.

    For a full dynamic warm up check out my Instagram dynamic warm up guide.

What to do if your workouts feel too easy

Real Self Care. No, not face masks and wine.

Real Self Care. No, not face masks and wine.