What to do if your workouts feel too easy

Feeling like workouts are a waste of time.. we get it, we've been there.

Coach Ariel here to tell ya, you get to choose how hard your workouts are and how much results you get from them!

Hear me out..

It was during high-school softball that I gained my first experiences lifting weights and working out for a goal.

Our exercises were all supersets, we did jumpropes, heavy med balls, weight machines and barbells.

It was a decent set up for the sport, time available and amount of kids lifting in a small space.

But.. We lifted way too fast, did not focus on mind-to-muscle connection, had terrible form and not enough education.

After high-school lifting I ended up having beliefs like:

- Running is the BEST exercise

- Being so sore you can't walk is cool

- Faster is better

I believed these things to be true until I became a certified fitness trainer and found out:

- Running is great to improve your cardiovascular health,

but you don't have to do it to lose weight or get toned

- Soreness is not a great indicator of a good workout.

Soreness can happen when you change your workouts and if it hurts other areas of your life like being able to play with your kids,

then it's not worth it to chase it by adding more movements.

- Faster usually means less controlled movement.

That results in less time under tension- which is what tells your muscles to grow.

You need to slow down, feel the muscles working and brace yourself properly!

When you are lifting heavy enough, using RPE 7 or 8 then you will feel like you are working out hard!

That intensity will help you grow stronger, build confidence & be able to carry all of the groceries in one trip! 😉

If you're still confused on RPE check out this free guide explaining it: https://www.loom.com/share/2810ad1b25bb44beaf0ebdd0ecebd021